iOS BLE Swift Project

  1. iOS BLE Swift Project: iOS app scans BLE devices
    In this project, we build the iOS app that scans BLE devices and displays on the iPhone screen.

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  2. iOS BLE Swift Project: iOS app connects and disconnects
    In this project, we build the iOS app that connects and disconnects a BLE peripheral device.

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  3. iOS BLE Swift Project: iOS app discovers the BLE services
    In this project, we build an iOS app that gets the services of a BLE peripheral device.

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  4. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: iOS app gets the BLE characteristics – Part 1
    In this project, we build an iOS app that gets the characteristics of a BLE peripheral device.

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  5. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: iOS app gets the BLE characteristics – Part 2
    In this project, we continue on building an iOS app that gets the characteristics of a BLE peripheral device.

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  6. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: BLE characteristic perimission
    This lesson continues working on the previous study's iOS B L E Characteristics.
    In this video, we continue with the feature: When the user selects a characteristic row, the app will show the characteristic permissions, Read, Write, and Notification.

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  7. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: Characteristic Notification
    This practice will work on how to enable and disable a characteristic notification.

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  8. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: Receiving Characteristic Notification Value
    In this practice, we will continue the previous video and develop to receive the notification values that are sent from a BLE peripheral.

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  9. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: Reading Characteristic Value
    In this practice, we will continue the previous video and develop code to send a command to receive the reading value.

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  10. iOS iOS BLE Swift Project: Writing Characteristic Value
    In this video, we are working on the characteristics of writing permission.
    When a characteristic has permission to be writable, the app can send values to the characteristic.

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